Forgotten Letters V1.2 update (post-jam)

I decided to change the way the code of the jigsaw puzzle works. People seem to have understood the words differently than I did - their interpretation is now how it works.

I've also added a title screen.

The only other significant change in the Windows version is that I added some bookshelves.

My biggest improvement of Version 1.2 is probably the decreased file size - won't make that mistake again.

Also: adjusted everything a bit so it works in Android. I'm happy to say that it runs (mostly) without framedrops on my Samsung A40.
To make it work I had to change the shader of the red platforms a bit. But I like it better now. The smoky-particle I used was the biggest performance-issue. It's the only place that causes a slightly lower frame rate on my phone. I also had to adjust a lot of the light (settings). The Android controls are a bit scuffed (I don't like using them) - the game itself is pretty clearly not designed for the constraints of not having a mouse and keyboard.

I hope the "Forgotten_Letters-Android-Shipping_universal.apk"-file works. I'm not really an Android user. So this was my first attempt to publish an Android build.

I think I'm done with this project now. (unless someone tells me the Android thing doesn't work)


Windows Forgotten Letters 260 MB
Jan 08, 2024
Android Forgotten Letters v1.2 universal 100 MB
Jan 08, 2024

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